
How do you successfully Defeat a Narcissist?

Defeating a narcissist and make him taste his own medicine is not a very difficult task. Though, they are master manipulators and know each and every weakness of yours.  There is only one thing that can make you succeed beating a narcissist is "No Contact" . The narcissists crave for attention & admiration and the people become their source of pleasure. If you control your feelings, emotions and don't think about your narcissist and having full dedication then, no one could stop you beating him in his own game. But, The people lacks self-determination and they grow sympathy in their heart for their narcissists, when the narcissists contact their supplies and relate the ordeal to them and try different manipulative methods like triangulating or gas-lighting. Whenever, a narcissist try to contact you, message you or try to approach you simply ignore it or you would regret and if you have done this then, you have hit him at the right point. If you are self-deter...

What do the narcissists really want?

Note: Although, It can't be totally true and doesn't apply to all cases but I wrote the things what I experienced. A narcissist is person who didn't get proper care, the love, validation and acknowledgement they deserved while growing up. The cause of narcissism lies in the childhood & in the upbringing of a person. If he doesn't get proper care, upbringing, parental love and the affection that they needed then, there are more chances of they becoming a Narcissist when they grow up. They got what’s called a “narcissistic wound,” or hollow inside them that persistently craves what they never got from their Parents. The narcissistic wound is one of the major reasons for their narcissistic behavior and the act that they do. The narcissist is unconsciously inclined toward healing of their wound through obtaining pleasure, love, validation & appreciation, but sadly, they’re convinced that the answer lies outside of them. As we read somewhere "An excess ...

When does a narcissist abandon/discard You?

Whenever a narcissist makes the final discard it causes immense trauma in the victim. Imagine you are in an unhealthy relationship but you still want to please the abuser. It is definitely a bad situation and you as a victim get the final blow - whatever you did for them in the past means nothing. If you understand what a narcissist is:     An evil being     With no moral values     uses and abuses everyone     A great manipulator     A pathological liar You should expect anything and everything. With such a treacherous character, everyone is in grave danger. If you allow your logic to ponder on just the above 5 traits, you do not need to know anything more about narcissists. They stop at nothing. Victims tend to think that the more pleasing they will be, the more satisfied that the narcissist will be. In reality the submission by the victim completely works against him and brought an experience of horro...

Signs of a Covert Narcissist

In my personal experience with the narcissist, there is only one sign that I always look for to detect/recognize a covert narcissist. The other warning signs pick up narcissists, but they pick up the overt or malignant. But there is one thing, that is concurrently so subtle that it makes coverts come under the radar, and also the only thing that is what contribute in making of a covert narcissist. In simple words, this is the trademark of a Covert narcissist - switching off. A Covert narcissist switches off & do all such things mentioned below: Pretend misunderstanding you Silent treatment Suppress or stop Escape or evade Ghosting Pretend not caring. pretend not hearing you Abandon They will pretend, there is something wrong with you & when you talk about something very important and beloved to you (e.g. re-frames you as unkind and unable to let go when you share your views on narcissism etc. -> surreptitiously hurting you by twisting your perspective; this...

How does a narcissist treat his new supply?

Narcissists are driven by one thing and that is: to get the best supply they can find. The fact that you’ve been discarded is because you are not a good quality narcissistic supply anymore or stopped giving them quality narcissistic source (e.g. You exposed their real face by breaking the mask, you set boundaries, you sometimes disagree with them). Narcissists are extremely expert at measuring the risk and discard you well before they are rejected by you. They are very clever to sense a change in the atmosphere before anyone else does, that is why the discard feel like a Jolt or shock. Their new supply offers them what they want and you couldn't (Like submissiveness, compliance, disagreement). The new narcissistic source plays their game and toes the line - something you could not. Always keep in mind that, as narcissists need change, so does their supply. If the narcissists’ discarded source is not financially strong that proved problematic for the narcissist, It is sure tha...

Narcissists' Biggest Nightmare

In my exposure & experience with the narcissism, I think there are 2 major factors that scare/terrify a narcissist. Not having Control Revelation These are two things that frightens a narcissist or anyone who has a legitimate cluster B personality type, all of those share common connections of having no conscience. The narcissists want & to think that they are in authority and only continue a relationship where they have full control. If they don't feel they could continue the manipulative techniques and deceptive tactics to ruin you and get satisfaction from your sufferings any longer, that means time has come & they are about to loose their control and authority over you, they don't just get frightened but they also get filled with silent rage often, resentment and resort to overt or covert vengeance to make you feel unsafe and to leave them. Which is what narcissists want, when they lose control. Their final tactics, is to make you feel that you want to ...

Flying Monkey: Introduction

These are some characteristics of a person who can be classified as a flying monkey and who has an instill tendency to:  Describe the harmful conduct or evil intentions of other people. Justify Ill- conduct & harmful behavior of others Re-frame as trivial accident (from right or unbiased intentions) Re-frame as Involuntary. Distort harmful events into neutral or positive interpretations. See no wrong, hear no evil, think no mischievous. Justify harmful behaviors & acts. Make it appear that they didn't see anything so that, they never have to be involved and ‘do the right thing’ Having no interest in the both sides of the story (but always interested in listening to the pathological liars). Prefer lies over truth as a mean for resolving puzzlement. Obstinately see the positive in everyone right after a narcissist does something unjustifiably harmful (e.g. deliberately walked over on a moped floor) The flying monkey can be classified in two general types ...