Signs of a Covert Narcissist

In my personal experience with the narcissist, there is only one sign that I always look for to detect/recognize a covert narcissist.

The other warning signs pick up narcissists, but they pick up the overt or malignant.

But there is one thing, that is concurrently so subtle that it makes coverts come under the radar, and also the only thing that is what contribute in making of a covert narcissist. In simple words, this is the trademark of a Covert narcissist - switching off.
A Covert narcissist switches off & do all such things mentioned below:

  • Pretend misunderstanding you
  • Silent treatment
  • Suppress or stop
  • Escape or evade
  • Ghosting
  • Pretend not caring.
  • pretend not hearing you
  • Abandon
  • They will pretend, there is something wrong with you & when you talk about something very important and beloved to you (e.g. re-frames you as unkind and unable to let go when you share your views on narcissism etc. -> surreptitiously hurting you by twisting your perspective; this is a kind of switching off because they decline to lower themselves to empathize with your outlook or idea, to understand it, they switch off paying attention and understanding)
  • Pretend Supremacy: Narcissists have excess sense of entitlement, They are jealous of others and they believe all the good things of the world belongs to them and they are so superior. They don't believe what the reality is, but they are deeply engrossed in their own world of perception.
  • Acting stupidly & create situations: They regularly cause miscommunication/misunderstanding, to disregard you and create an opportunity for themselves, to escape with the outcomes produced by the acts they have done & to deliberately make you angry by doing the things that you abhor.
  • They don't give a damn to the thing that you Love: For example- You went on a walk and you saw a abandoned puppy, you stopped by the road, hug the puppy and play with them. In between, your narcissist went walking too far away from you and he didn't stop by or pay a heed towards the adorable puppy that you liked.
  • They Undermine You: If you went to a restaurant and order something, the narcissist would replace your order with his choice of foods.
  • They deliberately do the wrong: They would litter around, trespass, don't follow the rules, talk stupidly & create scene.
  • Don't pickup your calls
  • They never deliver a message to you if, somebody told them to do so.
  • They never reply to your email (even though they are plenty time)
  • If you greet them, they pretend to be smiling (An artificial smile) but they would not acknowledge it.
  • If you sit nest to them at an event or the party, they won't talk to you properly, avoid eye contact and pass a silly smile.
  • walk out on you in the middle of a talk.
  • They keep talking, even if you left them room until they complete.
  • Covert narcissists are specialist at pursuing everyone to get along, pardon everyone, abhor no one, and then strangely demeaning you through silence treatment.
  • Sometimes they disappear for days
  • Covert are master at making you believe that they don't want a fight with you.
  • Humiliate
  • Disregard
  • Making promises that they can't fulfill and they don't even want to.

Like any other types of narcissists, Covert narcissists also lack empathy: Both extrovert and introvert narcissists have this trait. They can't feel your pain & suffering. They are very highly sensitive to criticism, they don't like being criticized and it might trigger them. They always want to show themselves as the best human beings and superior to all and if you try to underestimate them and publicly criticize them, it will trigger their aggression. Though they won't violently but their action may harm you.

On the one hand, it is very easy to identify the overt narcissists, on the other hand it is very difficult to identify a covert.


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