Is my relationship Narcissistic?

These are some signs, that your partner might be a narcissist or you might be in a Narcissistic relationship: 

Discretion: I am not a medical practitioner or therapist. I would suggest you to consult with a professional or medical practitioner concerned.
  •     If they Blame you for everything that is wrong.
  •     If they never getting a gift for their partners on special occasions.
  •     If they never give you a priority that you deserve.
  •     Going silent for some days or month for a trivial reason and sending horrible messages to you.
  •     Calling you different horrible names.
  •     If they pretend that everything is right but in reality, it isn't.
  •     Calling you by horrible names and starting a fight on trivial issues and accusing you for the same.
  •     No emotional connection with you. No deep & passionate kissing, no foreplay & unpleasant sexual experience.
  •     Not remembering good memories until you tell them.
  •     They accuse you of having mental problem or disorder.
  •     If they Call you defensive.
Woman And Man Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench
  •     No cooperation in relationship & terrible communication.
  •     Not feeling the responsibilities.
  •     Showing the signs of selfishness and seek you out only when they need you.
  •     Having short temperament, especially when given constructive criticism.
  •     Love to live a life of double standards and hypocrisy
  •     If they don't do mature conversation, they don’t care what you have to say and won’t listen when you have anything to say
  •     If they never respond to your queries or address serious issue.
  •     If they dislike to discuss what’s wrong with the relationship. They will tell you to calm    down, just a short-term solution.
  •     You are not important to him.
  •     Your time is not important.
  •     Your feelings are not important
  •     Your plans and schedule are not important
  •     Your needs don’t exist - called needy and whiny
  •     Constant Triangulation with their exes.
  •     If they don't complete the tasks all the way to completion.
  •     If the Friendship doesn't mean to them.
  •     If they rarely interested in anything others want to do.
  •     If they seldom compliment you, say something nice or do anything that would require an  iota of effort.
  •     Constantly criticize you without any issue.
  •     Disrespect of formal rules and laws.
  •     If they rarely follows their own rules.

If your partner exhibit most of the characters that I have mentioned above then it is a right time for you to pay a visit to a therapist and if your partner agrees then bring him to a professional having enough experience of dealing with such conditions. Wishing you best of best for your future.


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