Can Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) be healed?

Having an Understanding of Object constancy is the right way to understand Pathological Narcissism. Learning about the contextual meaning of Object constancy & all it Implies, How it begins and at what early stage of Personality development, helps in understanding that the Narcissists actually Do feel what they do and what they show, Unless they are ominous & have a plan they are playing out in a doubtful way, which is about half the time, because they sense whatever they feel in the moment.

The energy generated by the prey in the moment is the supply for the Narcissist's internal energy. Depending upon the narcissists' want/plan in that moment they play the perfect and the same role to whoever is in the position to satisfy their needs - Whoever, remember they are engrossed in "that" moment, there is no such thing like: Object Constancy. And, because covert hostility is an integral part of their toolbox, it could be used to triangulate their exes, demean or destroy if you are the reason for their hostility and anger ( but you wouldn't have no clue of this thing because of their avoidant nature of showing everything to be in right way and nothing is wrong)  or, if they do something that made you upset ( like the covert hostility) but they still see as a source of supply and whatever reason they have (which again you will never ascertain), or they are not in the mood to dump you or exit yet because their new supply sources are not ready, they become the most sincere and apologetic partner, for as long as you felt safe again and become ready for the source of supply once again..
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Having control on every situation is the best way a Narcissist get their requirement met, and remember always, because of the arrested development that is responsible for the disorder, their need are their priority and their sole concern, they don't have other managing skills. Their want to have control on every situation with an action for the audience is what escalate the "act". So, when they love you, they are the most ideal soulmate because in that very moment they feel exactly like that, it is why love bombing is their effective tool, it is actually sincere ( but doesn't apply in the case of a non-NPD person who express genuine feelings of Love and attachment because the narcissistic persons don't have the ability for emotional connection, the narcissists only have needs and do acts accordingly to satisfy their needs.) The empathy that they exhibit can be real too, this explains why the aggrieved persons feel experience so horrible and devastating, who never know what to believe and what not to. Narcissism is a subtle disorder of emotional processing, unless people witnessed and felt it in action they have no way to comprehend.
Narcissists have an entirely very different Brain (Mindset) and their partners need to understand this to get closure in their relationships, or to find some ways to feel compassion, may become a trap (catch) that they may never get freedom of. Grief from a loss mixed with uncertainty from seeing their world flipped, particular at the most sensitive moments, leads to a state of Cognitive dissonance, that is very difficult to overcome, result of having a relationship with a narcissist. We can finally understand the elucidation of the specific behaviors, this is embedded to our mental level and our cognitive dissonance does not vanish. We feel our emotional memories, our minds have been transformed by the experience, our neural pathways are changed, and some areas of the brain dwindle and become withered by the trauma. Because we all are "normal", we can't change our entire thinking or pattern of feeling to feel the overriding corruption of emotional actions, we work differently at the levels of subconscious operating. Is there any hope for them or for use? The overwhelming consensus is "No" & the reason is apparent when the germ of disorder is understood and accepted. Acceptance is the way to survive the experience and saving the rest of your life.
It happens because they are also human beings and they do feel as well, and the emotions you are subject to are so intense and genuine when they love bomb you that they impress you and satisfy your deepest core needs, it becomes a challenge and an impossible task for your heart to reconcile the unaccountable because none of this makes any sense to a sound mind. But it really does make some sense to their disorder, when we understand the object ephemerality you get to the interpretation of 'why" to all permeation of NPD behaviors. Because of their ego-state, there is no connection to the needs of others, and this leads to no attachment to others.

The reason why the therapies and counseling are so ineffective with the NPD? is that, Any intellectual effort to alter their subconscious mind with introspection, therapies and counseling will never be permanent because the spirit of Narcissism disruptively override the possibility- and the stress of giving an effort to replace core needs makes them break the mask finally. There can be an intellectual and implementational attempt to act in a way they understand easily would be good for them but the components they have to accept are extreme, It is every elements of life and the people in it. The unmasking follows a life event or loss, It becomes really difficult to cope with and at last they have to release the pressure, usually devastating their personal relationships or setting 'new conditions' in the relationship.
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Narcissism is a very complex and tricky to interpret and understand and that is the reason why it is such a evil form of abuse. Those are very nearest and dearest to the person are subject to their narcissistic rage and exploitation and become a subject for their internal torments. The rest of the world would not be able to see the real face and acts of the narcissist as they create a fake atmosphere and impression in his surroundings. Very people has seen or experienced the pathological narcissist in action, they only know the experiences and most of that is positive. The narcissistic experience can have harmful effects on almost all aspects of your life.

The absence of Object constancy describes how a narcissist can promise you with lots of exaggeration like:moon, earth and star with such persuasion and passion in first instance and go on to exploit you and abuse you or abandon you the next without any explanation. Leave you in a tormented state of devastation and emotional sufferings. The real essence of Narcissism lies in the Lack if Object Constancy.  Once you learn about this, the rest of the things that happens in the relationship makes a perfect sense to you. The one and only advice that everyone gives including the therapist is to leave him and go NO CONTACT for ever without thinking twice.


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